Monday: Woman Of The Year

Now, despite the title, it won't take you much to realise that this is not, in fact, a picture of Woman of the Year'......

This is one of those pictures that is slightly frustrating in that it has little to do with my day.  Tonight I was invited to the annual 'Woman Of The Year' awards at the local posh hotel.  I had my speech all prepared and was even ready to thank my primary school teacher for setting me along my chosen path.  But no, the winner was a woman who was a high flying exec and ran about fifteen different companies.

There was, however, a prize draw - my colleague won first prize and I won second.  Don't even mutter the words 'stitch-up'!  I won a magnetic salt and pepper shaker that I am still figuring out how to use.

It didn't feel quite right whisking out my camera tonight so I took this picture of the National Theatre on the way home.  I will say, however, that I have never seen such an accumulation of tall women - and I say that as someone who is not exactly challenged in the height department.  I felt quite tiny!


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