Today's Special

By Connections

Natural Fireworks

We had a wonderful time at the July 4th potluck organized by Erick and Allison of Legacy Herefords, from whom we buy our beef. It was at their extended family's cottage on the water at Birch Bay, about half an hour's drive north of us , and we enjoyed seeing folks we knew and meeting new ones.

The food was amazing -- hamburgers of their own beef, of course, with all the trimings -- and deviled eggs, the best potato salad I've ever had (made by Allison's mother), delicious clam chowder, curried chicken, baked beans, fresh Washington cherries, two fruit salads, a salad I made of sugar snap peas/radishes/sweet red pepper/spring onion/lemon vinaigrette, and for dessert, two delicious chocolate confections and homemade strawberry shortcake with whipped cream. There were pre-supper snacks, too -- chips/crisps, raw veggies and dips, olives, nuts, and more.

We left about 8:00pm and drove home in warm evening light, with Mount Baker aglow -- a lovely change after all the rain we've been having. Now the noisy part of the holiday is underway, and we will have to put up with that until after midnight. At least we don't have to worry about fires here, after all the rain we've had recently!

(See Phil's take on the same event here -- it will give you an idea of what nice people we were with!)

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