Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

How Tickled I Am!

Once again it is the Blackrod scarecrow festival. I always attempt to be very organised and I always these have been put together in record time!

I always try to do something English and Northern (last few years I've made scarecrows of Wallace & Gromit; Lennon & McCartney and Fred Dibnah!) so I've made Ken Dodd and a Diddyman this year. A lady pulled up in her car to have a look at our scarecrows and she said that she personally knows Ken Dodd and that she will show him photos of the scarecrows. She said he'll be thrilled by them and he'll be sending us a signed photo!! Watch this space because that is something I will share on Blip!!! We were waiting for the gale force winds and rain today but it's been a lovely day!

The village has been buzzing because, as well as the scarecrow festival, the schools have held their Summer Fairs and there was also a Strawberry Fair in the church. Graham, myself and the boys helped out at the school's fair. Graham was supposed to be running the Whack-a-Rat stall but it was cancelled (I have no idea why....maybe there weren't any rats to whack) so he was in charge of the bouncy castle. I was on the tattoo stall and it was wonder most of the nation have tattoos if the keeness of these kids was anything to go by!

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