my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

All's Fair... love and war and destruction ;-)

My girls came back early today so we could go to the school Summer Fair.

It was ace, the girls bagged cakes, sweets, toys, what-nots and tattoos.

Despite being a bit gutted at winning tomato sauce on the bottle tombola...

I paid my money and took my chance on the lucky dip.

"I have a T Rex!"

Which was very serendipitous.

Because it is was *just* what I needed to add to the 'Manchester in a Bag' pressie I got for date man. In return for my gift

You can't have a town without a Godzilla or...

... as we are on a coincidence roll a T-Rex. Like the one we saw yesterday.

Night Night people

See you on the morrow

"..The television man is crazy
Saying we're juvenile delinquent wrecks
Man I need a TV when I've got T. Rex

Mott the Hoople.

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