I'm sorry................................

Today I've been a little bit naughty. Actually that's a lie ...................................I've been a lot naughty?!

This is what happened:

Christian, my very lovely dog sitter, took me for my walk and then I went to his house to play. Christian & Lynda have a lovely garden and I've been playing there every Saturday afternoon for more than 7 years.

I've never done anything naughty in the garden before but today I acted totally out of character.

I dug a huge, deep hole in one of the flower beds. I dug up lots of plants and the wet soil went all over the path. Christian & Lynda were not happy with me (and neither is Ann). Nobody knows why I went digging today. I've never dug a hole in anyone's garden in the whole of my little collie dog life?!

By the time Ann came to pick me up at 6pm, Lynda had made the garden look all lovely again so I couldn't be blipped beside my big deep hole.

Ann says if I ever do anything like that again I won't be allowed to play in their garden. She says that if I can't play properly, Christian will have to bring me back home after my walk and I'll have to spend Saturday afternoons in the house all by myself?!

Christian & Lynda...................................I'm very, very sorry!

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