All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Early start today as I was at the NEXT sale for 6am. For once, I hadn't actually planned to go that early but I woke at 5am, couldn't get back to sleep, so decided just to get up and go.

Took Ethan to gymnastics - he's doing so well there now. Joining in with the actions nicely and trying hard on the apparatus. Such a change to a few months ago - I'm really glad I didn't stop taking him as he seems to be getting a lot out of it now.

After lunch, hubbie and I then drove over Falkirk with him. A bit more shopping, then we went to Stirling. We had dinner in Pizza Hut before heading to the ice-rink to watch Ethans cousin Ava (you can see her in the green hoodie in this picture) at her weekly lesson. Good to have a catch up with my sister-in-law and her hubbie while we were watching too as haven't seen them since Ethan's birthday party in December.

We took a drive up to Stirling Castle where Ethan had a charge around outside - he especially liked watching the "big white car" (limo) which was in the car park, while I tried (but failed) to take some decent shots of the rainbow over the Wallace Monument!

We hadn't planned on being out so long and hadn't taken any change of clothes for Ethan. Fortunately we managed to find a toilet each time he needed one and he lasted the whole day with no accidents!

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