A Dawning Realisation...
...of what Blip has done to me, as I stand on top of a moor at 4.30am, soaked to the knees in dew, covered in midge bites, body protesting at the fact that 30 minutes ago it was perfectly happy in a warm comfortable bed, twitching occasionally but happy. And dry. And what for?
A Big Old Blip.
This past year I've lost sleep, been stared down by horned cows, trudged through bog, charged at by horses, climbed mountains in torrents and hailstorms, got my head soaked in wet 'things' to try and get the angle right, knowing that in 24 hours I'd probably have to do the same thing again.
Awesome :o)
I had no idea when I signed up for this.
I was determined to get to the 365 even though I knew nothing about photography, or what made a good photo (you only have to look at some early stuff to see that... actually some recent stuff too!)
I didn't see the hold it would take on me on the way though. If you see me walking to work, or hiking up a fell, you'd think I must have some sort of nervous twitch as I'm *always* looking in different directions, trying to spot an opportunity for a photograph. I thought it might wear off but if anything it's got worse.
~ Was that a deer???
~ Err no - it's a tractor.
~ Stop - don't move! An owl!!
~ Where?
~ There!
~ You mean that chihuahua?
I love this photography thing. I haven't really got a clue what I'm doing and I try not to take it too seriously, but what I do know is that every day I want to try and get a really good photo. To the point where if all I've got on my memory card is rubbish, I'll go back out and try again.
I am also one of those people who *does* care what other people think, and when I put a photo on I'm not ashamed to say that I want people - my blip peers and friends, to like it. And to that end I'm determined to keep improving. There's so much to learn and I don't think there's a limit.
And on the subject of blip peers and friends, I want to say thanks for your support of my journal and for looking in and leaving such amazing supportive comments. Especially since I've had less time to comment back in recent weeks. I'm amazed anyone looks in at all! But I really do appreciate it.
I've met some amazing, inspirational people through blip, some virtually and some in real life, and I treasure every encounter.
Blip really is special; life changing isn't an exaggeration - thanks to the Blip Team for starting this and for keeping it that way.
I could go on and on, but that's enough gush from me - I think you get the picture.
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