A problem solved.......................

How fabulous is this?!

On Tuesday we blipped Ann's new 'wine drinking chair' for spying on the neighbours..................but she didn't have anywhere to put her wine glass.

Loads of you gave her 'handy hints' on what she should do with it.
These ranged from the ridiculous (intravenous drip - even Ann's not that addicted?!) to the very sensible - a wine glass clamp.

Given the amount of wine my owner drinks I'm surprised she didn't have one of these already??!! Sometimes she doesn't have a clue what kind of 'gadgets' are about. So thank you everyone who suggested this.

Special thanks though, have to go to 'Tinks & Tonks' who actually provided her with a link to a website where she could buy one.

Small things make Ann happy?! She came home from work tonight and has spent a very pleasant hour on her 'wine drinking chair' complete with her 'wine glass clamp.'

PS - After I'd been blipped I was allowed to get off the 'wine drinking chair' and just have a little snooze in the sunshine.

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