feet well travelled

By feettravelled


This is Agatha and her wonderful family all arranged nicely in height order.
As you can see, is will be ready to pop pretty soon but has recently just found out its twins, unlike the single baby she first thought! So, with the new arrivals, she will have 6 kids! so today, I had a selection of baby clothes too.
When I first arrived at her house, she saw me and ran over to me for a big hug , whilst shouting my name! Priceless!

we had some fun with a tennis ball that I brought along and the neighbours and kids passing all joined in.

I enjoyed a big lump of nshima with chicken and cabbage (my two favourite relishes) with the volunteers at Isubilo and got the opportunity to thank them all for the help with my research. Despite being ready to go back to the UK, I have enjoyed being here again. I feel that every time I come here, I grow up a lot. It's been a different and challenging experience being here doing research but one that has been overcome and will all be worth it I'm sure!

A few hilarious bus rides today too, not sure how they fit so many people onto those little 12 seated mini buses...I never think that my bum will fit on the tiny scrap of seat that they indicate for me to sit on!

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