Think That We'll Remember when we were two ...
My Boys.
Part of my life for so long now.
Si I have had in my life now longer than I have lived without him.
Boy, I've had in my life for almost 21 years now.
I remember the night I gave birth to Boy, Poor Si had to tolerate exceptionally bad behaviour on my part, as I invited all and sundry to join in the fun at my nether regions, alternating between joy, and complete distress. Pain, fright, panic, relief, panic again, and then astonishment, and great, great joy.
As I settled in my diamorphine, epidural, and gas induced haze I lay in my bed and looked at my new wee baby, and he opened his eyes and looked at me.
There laying in that little box beside my bed, was a vision of my Si. It was Simon's eyes looking straight back and me and I knew then, that this Boy was mine for ever.
He's been home for 3 months, he's going to be going again in a couple of weeks, but his Dad is going away this week so tonight, is Boy's Night. They are away for a pint together and no doubt a bit of a giggle as is the way when Boy is around.
His Dad might not say it out loud, but I know that a wee bit of his heart goes with Boy every time he leaves, and to leave before him this time, is harder than he's admitting.
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