
By PaulaJ

Lots of Pots

It was Pots in the Park today at Hutton-in-the-Forest, near Penrith. Over 100 exhibitors from all over Europe and beyond, all with very distinctive styles, are invited each year to display their work. It's held in beautiful parkland and, as the rain held off amazingly and the sun appeared at intervals, although it was a bit damp underfoot on the grass, it was a lovely day. The exhibition continues through Saturday and Sunday.

Then the following weekend another 100 or so Potters attend Pots in the Pens, which is held at the Penrith Auction Mart. The whole event is organised by a local couple and has been running since 1989. We have managed to attend at least one of the days every year (and have a lot of beautiful works of art to show for it!)

This year I bought a plate made by this very talented lady from France. This is a picture of her and some of her beautiful work. At the time, she was carefully wrapping up my piece.

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