The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Epic Blip Fail!

Sometimes you get so blinkered by something that you lose sight of what else you have taken a photo of.

Let yesterday's blip be a lesson!

As I said yesterday I wanted a good Nuthatch photo. Whilst I was waiting for said bird to do its thing I just shot away at what I thought was a load of Chaffinches coming and going on the feeders. I noticed one had a slightly different jizz so I put it down to it being a juvenile.

Fast forward to the evening. My thoughts were simply just on putting one of the Nuthatch pictures up. I never looked at the other photos until later. I posted one up on flickr and labelled it as a Juvenile Chaffinch. Almost immediately someone tweeted me and said I ad got the ID wrong. I had only looked at the body, and feather colours. I paid no attention to the bill shape. On a second look it clearly it wasn't a Chaffinch, Chaffinches have a heavy bill common with all the finches. The bird I photographed had a slender, thin bill.

After a little more deliberation it turned out I had photographed a Female Pied Flycatcher. This a garden tick and a year tick for me, and would have been a 100% certainty as a blipfoto last night. I know I could have changed it, but that felt a bit fraudulent!

So constant readers here is last njght blipfoto that never was: Female Pied Flycatcher.

To try and restore some pretty bird balance, tonight I give you my resident Robin Juvenile, who no longer looks like a scruffy oik!

And to prove that I learn from my mistakes, rejected blip from others I took: Sibling Rivalry.

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