Old times

Izzy is working in the office for the summer. She's doing some fairly boring stuff, like filing, but also some tasks that she's particularly good at, like making follow up calls to marketing activity. I hate doing that yet she sounds like she's positively enjoying herself.

This afternoon, she was doing some of the filing, part of which activity involves throwing away paperwork that we're no longer obliged to keep. Every ten minutes or so, she'd come back over to check whether it was OK to throw a particular item away. One of the things she brought over was this business card.

This is one of the first set I had printed up, before we even had a proper office. I can tell by the phone number. Plus it's our original branding, which remains my favorite to this day.

I was amused by the way my name is portrayed. I can't imagine why I included the 'J'. It seems a bit Rosco P Coltrane, you know?

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