
By ed

My mom

I got this camera about half a year ago. Occasionally I've made a decent photo, mind you I'm using a kiddie camera, so quality is limited. My mum thought she had made the wrong choice because she forgot to check if it was compatible with her Mac. Initially after she had bought it, she wasn't too happy because she thought it wasn't compatible. Today (actually I'm backblipping, so she's writing this on my behalf on the 9th) she thought somebody must have figured out some software for mac and started looking, and found out it has been compatible all along. It shows up on the desktop like any usb-stick would, instead of launching iphoto. duh. So now she's suddenly interested in uploading whatever I take for pictures. Unfortunatly the camera doesn't have any exif data, but she remembers me taking this picture, as she took this picture at the same time of me. So starting my first blip with 2.5 (ssssht, I hope blipcentral doesn't mind that actually I'm uploading under another account she made, because you have to be 13 to have a blipjournal).

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