Almond Valley

Kerr and I went to Almond Valley this morning to meet up with Lallybroch and Ethan. Despite the poor weather forecast it stayed dry most of the time we were there.

Kerr had great fun on the trampolines, swings, mini tractors and playhouse. He then managed to throw sand in both his eyes while playing in the sandpit! Thankfully a man gave me a bottle of water to try and flush them out with, it looked really sore and he was very upset.

We all managed lunch together but then Kerr got overtired and grumpy with his sore eyes and his cough / cold so we had to make a sharp exit after lunch. He flaked out in the car for a rare but much needed daytime nap and was a lot happier when he woke up.

It was great to meet up again, hopefully next time Kerr will be in better spirits and both boys might be able to coordinate their activities so we can chat a bit more!

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