Some Days

By Euphemist

Ready for Home

Allan and I went to pick up our boys, Duncan and Fraser respectively, from their week long idyll terrible trial at Dalguise PGL Outdoor pursuit holiday.

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They both agree that it was fantastic, great fun, the best holiday ever.

They also agree that it was awful, the girls were cruel and spiteful and they weren't allowed to go to sleep because of people talking in the six bed dorm after lights out.

They were as knackered as they look in this photo of them in the obstacle course.

They did not stop talking about their week all the way home.

(I think they had a great time. An instructor told me they were fantastic - enthusiastic, responsible, have-a-go kids and he didn't want them to go home.

But he refused when I offered him Fraser for another week!

Welcome home, matey.

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