Art Walk Porty

So, Art Walk Porty launched this evening. I wandered round Porty taking pictures of some of the other artists installing their works and then I helped S to install 'my' piece in the Porty Light Box. It is actually a collaboration with my writer friend J - a selection from our longer creative conversation that has been going on for about a year. She sends me a poem and I send back a photograph in some way inspired by her words, which then inspires another poem from her, and so on. We were doing it every week to begin with but it has been a bit more erratic lately. Thing is that J and I first met in 1987, at a flat party in Glasgow, and then again a couple of weeks later when she came through to Edinburgh for the afternoon and we went up Arthur's Seat. And that was the last time we met in person. We have kept in touch sporadically since then, more so recently since the advent of social media, and came up with this idea last summer. She is a writer and was keen to try and get back into the way of writing poetry and I liked the prospect of being prompted to look for different pictures as part of a creative dialogue. J lives in Buckinghamshire and wasn't able to come to the launch but got in touch with her friend B, who lives in East Lothian, to come as her representative at the event.
This is B reading some of the poems at the Light Box. Later we went back to The Skylark, via the exhibitions in Twelve Triangles and A449 Architects - a very successful opening night for the Art Walk I think.

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