No Bread
Because I'm working closer to home, it takes me less time to get home.
Because one of my colleagues is on holiday I am busier than normal
So take the first two and add them together and that means that I work longer hours than normal and get home at the same time as usual
All of the above means that I fell asleep on the sofa tonight snuggled up to Milo.
The River Anton is close to the office so there are lots of ducks and geese. You've already seen the geese, so here are some ducks. They were in the pond by the front door when I left and they rushed towards me hoping for food. They were disappointed.
Go large to count the them
History Lesson Part 3
In 1175 King Richard I sold Andover a charter granting the townspeople certain rights, forming a merchant guild which took over the government of the town. The members elected two officials called bailiffs who ran the town. In 1201 King John gave the merchants the right to collect royal taxes in Andover themselves. In 1256 Henry III gave the townspeople the right to hold a court and try criminals for offences committed in Andover. Andover also sent MPs to the parliaments of 1295 and 1302-1307. The town was ravaged by two serious fires, one in 1141 and another in 1435.
The things that made me smile:
In addition to the many golds today, Milo keeping my feet warm when I curled up on the sofa
My colleague that found himself jobself, has found one in the company. I am very pleased for him.
Exercise: Had to do several squats in a tight skirt to blip the ducks!!!!
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