Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Misty, Again

Went for it this morning: A swim. Mrs Tuttle put my name down for a Mono-Boarding competition in London due in December. At the swimming club the parents were ordered encouraged to take part as well as the kids. Trying not to become "Competitive Dad" of course, but I desperately need to avoid making a fool of myself as my fitness is not what it used to be and as I experienced this morning my lungs almost popped out of my mouth. And that was me in the "medium lane" as opposed to the slow and fast lanes. Quite a shock to the system when there were folk who have seen many more decades of life than myself swimming faster than me with hardly any puff (they were in the fast lane next to the medium lane). Got a bit of catching up to do.

Same again tomorrow...... 

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