Here at last! 730 blips. 2 years.

It seemed appropriate to return once more to where it all began, along the banks of the River Esk to this corner of a farmer's field near Inveresk. A cake was commissioned from my eldest and a family stroll along the Esk on a muggy, overcast evening brought us back to square one.

Once again I'd like to offer sincere thanks to everyone who has viewed, commented and subscribed. One of the best things about blip is that the comments are invariably positive and well-meant. I've never felt under pressure to take 'better' pictures, or embarrassed at a lack of technical expertise. Of course I've been dumbfounded by how much better so many of the pictures of others are, and left feeling ineptly inarticulate by the stories and commentary I read elsewhere.

Looking back through the pictures I've taken over the past two years brings back lots of memories of course but also reinforces the thought that I really need to get out more - if only to find new subjects to blip!

So a big thanks to the founding fathers and mothers and to those who keep the whole show moving along. I'm not planning on stopping now having succeeded in taking a picture a day for two years but if I do miss a day occasionally I hope people won't think of it as slacking off.



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