Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2007 — The House on Nicollet Island

This morning we woke in a city foreign to us. It was early when I woke to the strong aroma of coffee, thanks to Mr. Fun who had gone to the motel office to get us a couple cups of delicious brew.

Then I made the request for an Egg McMuffin. Mr. Fun went exploring for a McDonald's and brought back the food I was craving (it's a crazy vacation craving). I know most people do not like McDonald's food, but it was yummy. Mr. Fun had to step outside of his comfort zone because when he is vacationing he is totally against eating at places that we could go to at home.

So we lazied around for a while, got showered, dressed, and ready and finally headed out to find "The River" and the upper St. Anthony Falls and lock. We thoroughly enjoyed the lock tour and then walked through the Mill Museum and the Guthrie Theatre with the Bridge to No-where or maybe it is the endless bridge.

Then possibly the best part of the day was when we drove onto Nicollet Island and spent an hour or so in the bar/tavern of Nicollet Inn and discovered the delicious flavor of a champagne cocktail. I've oftened sipped the bubbly stuff, but I've never had a champagne cocktail before today.

Then we did a driving tour of the island to find the lavender/teal house on Maple Street . We had first seen this house during the summer of 1998 when we traveled up the Mississippi River from St. Louis on the Mississippi Queen paddlewheeler steamboat. Back then when our river cruise had ended, we rented a car to explore the local area and then to head south following the river back to St. Louis and then a flight home to southern California. Today, however, our mission was to find the lavendar/teal house again. I thought back then that house was unique and even beautiful. The color combination appealled to me. Today it looked a little weathered, but I still like the color combo and was thrilled that it was still the same colors.

After walking and driving on Nicollet Island, we drove through the early evening traffic of downtown Minneapolis and on out to the Mall of America where we ate dinner at the Rain Forest Café (we did that because we had first discovered the Rain Forest here in Minneapolis back in '98).

After dinner we walked through the mall looking for books, CDs, and token gifts to give to the friends who would be joining us in another day as we all embarked on the American Queen paddlewheeler steamboat for a 7 day/7 night cruise on the Mississippi River to St. Louis.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. This is really better in "BIG," so enlarge the photo on your screen to see if you agree.

P.P.S. I'm thoroughly glad that Blip Central allows for posting photos taken previously to my start date of blipping.

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