Five things

By fivethings

A very thin line between the past and the present

1. I don't feel very good today and treat myself to a film I've been saving up, waiting for the right time to watch. A week or so ago, when I was in Mono I picked up a dvd that looked really interesting and promptly ordered it from Love Film. It's called Grey Gardens.

2. I'd never heard of it, which I think is surprising. Having studied film and with a smattering of the old cinema verite knowledge, I can't believe this has passed me by. I can't believe it because it is so wonderful. I absolutely love it. From the moment it starts til the moment it finishes it has me. I could watch it for hours and hours more.

3. It makes me think so much about how we chose to live, how we chose to conform, about what really makes us happy.

4. It makes me think about dressing up and that feeling of from childhood that vanishes so quickly - that excitement about getting the right outfit for your mood, for the person or superhero or fictional character that you want to be at that very moment. It makes me dig out the pattern I bought a few weeks ago for a dress I want to make. For the person I fancy being.

5. It makes me love Mrs Beale and Little Edie. It's been a while since I have been this blown away by something and it's just what I needed. I need to fill my head with other things. Good things. I need to find my cape and I need to wear it.

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