Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Cup cake treats

This morning met up with 'the girls' in the Park & Ride car park on the edge of York. They were famished so we had a light lunch stop before going to the Treasurer's house. We enjoyed looking round the house before making for the shops. Weather warm but clouds threatening rain. (Showers later.) No drastic spending but it's great being together and trying to find things for each other. Managed to make a modest purchase which is better than coming home empty handed.
At the end of that it was time to sample a cup cake at the little cafe I have visited before.Pleased to see that business seems to be going well and the owner was very pleased to see us. The cakes were fabulous and have become a 'must have' on any future trips to York.
Back now and preparing to go down to The Dog & Gun (again!) for our evening meal. I think we are all a bit tired but, upward and onward. I'm sure we will revive once we get down there.

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