The Trossachs

Beautiful day today. We started off by having lunch in the car at the viewpoint on the Tak Ma Doon road, before heading to Stirling to look for a tile warehouse that I'd seen online. It turned out to be shut! But we did find a really good swing park right at the foot of the Wallace Monument, so we played there for a while. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a parent fail on our part. We should have realised that Orla would need the loo, but of course she's not going to ask when it means probably leaving the swing park, so she had an accident. She was totally soaked through, so we had to strip her. We decided to go to Sainsbury's and buy some new clothes so that we could stay out rather than have to go home. She needed some anyway, she's growing out of everything again. Once she was all cleaned up, we drove along Loch Venechar and stopped at the Harbour Cafe for some tea and cake. It's really lovely there. Then we went along to Loch Katrine and walked along the lochside for a bit. I read Orla the plaque about the legend of the urisks. She was very wary after that, kept muttering to herself 'don't disturb them, don't say hiya to them, they don't like it.'

Bit of a change since the last time we took a photo of her at Loch Katrine!

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