Around and about!

By xLindax


Woo hoo 365!

I really can't believe I've made it this far. Blip has driven me mad, sent me crazy at times, made me laugh, made me cry but most of all has given me a sense of achievement.

What else could make you dig a pond, plant wildlife friendly plants and feed every bird in the country just so that you get a good blip? What else makes your heart race at 11.55pm on a night stop it!! because you haven't uploaded your photo yet? and what else gives you the freedom to uploaded the crapest photos ever just because they make you laugh?

I really hope blip is making me a better photographer, at least now I'm trying to take notice of whats in the background or what angle would be better etc... Although when I look at the crap photos I've put on here I do wonder!!!

I really want to say a big Thank you to you all for popping by and commenting even when the photos have been dire - I will try to improve!!. I've loved getting to know you all and even when I havent had chance to comment very much I've read your journals and enjoyed sharing your blip journey with you. Certain people have helped me immensly and I'm sure I'd have packed in ages ago without them - you know who you are - love ya.

OMG this is beginning to sound like a farewell so I better shut up cos you don't get rid of me that easy!

Love to you all blip peeps and see you all tomorrow when the next 365 adventure begins! XXX

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