good golly

Miss Molly!! I had one of the worst meals I have ever had today!

Went to St Andrews with the girls and decided to try a newly opened restaurant beacause where we wanted to go was going to take too long to get a table. However, I have been discussing the merits of my gut instinct recently and today I chose to ignore it - so I suppose it's all my fault!

The Adamson 'restaurant' looked quite nice inside (brown leather banquets and sort of modern bistro-style and a bar right at the front door), I could see into the kitchen (looked quite clean, chefs looked capable).

The fact that we entered and were looking for a table to sit at and food to eat confused the staff (another clue that I ignored) and after an overly long pause, given that it was quiet, we were seated. We managed to order fairly quickly, but the food took longer to get to the table than if we had waited at the other place!!

The 'greek salad' had four pieces of cheese and three pieces of cucumber, two olives and two cherry tomatoes. My beef carpaccio tasted of nothing and was about as fulfilling. My friends had 'fish and chips' - the batter was half a centimetre thick and burnt and the fish inside was grey and dry. My 'chopped chicken salad' (I should have guessed with the name alone!) apparently contained 'micro-herbs' and would have been suitable for someone without teeth and the lettuce (frisee, yuck!) was finely chopped, brown or extremely wilted and it was all served in a warm plate on a very hot plate. It was supposed to be a cold salad folks! Also, micro-herbs? Since WTF were chives 'micro-herbs'????? That dish came at the bargain price of £14.50!!!! The water jug was dirty, the table decorations were blobs of dusty moss and we had to request salt and pepper repeatedly (as this seemed to cause even more confusion) and eventually had to get up and help ourselves from the service station. VERY DISAPPOINTING!!

Aside from that we had a lovely day together in a beautiful place topped off by a movie ('Lawless' - not bad, very violent though) and some home-made and delicious Chinese food.

Thank you Miss F and chef for a great day!

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