Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd


It was another warm and sunny afternoon, and since it had been many, many months since I'd last ventured north across the border, I thought it would be fun for me and Rich to visit the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park.

The original suspension bridge was built in 1889 and stretches 450 feet across and 230 feet above the Capilano River. We walked across this bridge twice today, and I can tell you, as someone who gets a little queasy at the top of a step stool, I had to focus hard and NOT look down in order to make it across with my dignity intact. There is a fair amount of bouncing and swaying, which is both fun and frightening all at once. It also helped knowing that this bridge has been so thoroughly engineered, it can withstand the weight of two 747 airplanes on it before it - well, you get the idea.

The Cliffwalk, pictured here, is a new addition to the park, and is a cantilevered walkway clinging to the granite cliff, high above Capilano Canyon. I found it less nerve-wrecking to venture along the Cliffwalk, probably because it did not bounce and sway. This park is non-stop eye-candy for you nature photographers, so be sure to get up for a visit, if you can.

The day was capped off with dinner at Banana Leaf, my favorite Vancouver Malaysian restaurant. Roti canai, beef satay, Hainan chicken with chili, Mmmm -- now that's comfort food!

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