Five things

By fivethings

1. Mum and I meet in Central Station and head for lunch in the new Central Station hotel, which is very grand. Lovely.

2. A walk up Hope Street to Mandors. It doesn't take long, but we find the fabric and find a Mandorette to help us, which she does beautifully. I get everything I need and feel really excited.

3. We get the best of the day and sit outside at that wee cafe next door. The view isn't much, but there's probably not too much of it left.

4. Home and I lay out the pattern. The windows are open and the Hampden Roar fills the house. I've not cut a pattern in years and it takes a few readings of the instructions to even vaguely understand what's about to happen.

5. I stop short of cutting fabric, I think this is going to be very easy to bawz up. I love my fabric though and spend a few moments swishing round with it. At the moment, this can still be beautiful.

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