Abby's 21st Party!

A good night had by all I believe although there may be some sore heads and tired faces this morning!

About 80 people there I think including family who had travelled from up North so that was great. Good venue, funny speeches and music. I did a slide show of 195 photos and it provided a good background and a few laughs while it stirred the memories. Speeches photo L to R Dave, Zane, Kariba, Jesse, Anton, Vicki (obscured) Abby and Amy. The tables looked good and with lots of fairy lights the room was pretty and welcoming.

Not the best photo of Abby cutting the cake but shows the pretty back of her dress. The dress was Mum's gift to Abby. Sorry you weren't there mum, gadding about in Australia!

Happy 21st Abigail Rose.

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