This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

There were two parts to today.

There was this part:
Today was lovely. Perfect weather, lots of laughs, a few realizations, some house cleaning and many chapters of a good book read to me by Stewart over the ether.

and then part b. (the realizations)

I leave the house (because I should) and it is already almost lunch time and I haven't eaten (and I should) but I don't know where to go or what to eat so I drive (because that is what we do here) and I follow the traffic flow and I head towards "downtown" and I wonder where I am going and then I realize that I am not a regular anywhere in this town of mine, this town of my birth. There is no cozy coffee shop, restaurant, gallery or bar that I feel at home in. There is nothing left for me to explore or discover here, there is no place that could become my home away from home I think. So at the intersection of 71 and Lafayette I turn right and I drive some more down the ugly strip of pavement and I end up once again at the health food store/Co-Op and I walk around there and I wonder what I am doing and there is nothing really that I want, but I buy a few things anyway and then I drive back home and go inside and sit down and wonder what the hell I am doing here. Why am I staying here? I would rather be a stranger in a strange land with possibilities and things to explore.

It really was a lovely day nonetheless.

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