Come into the Garden

By aprecious

I demand a voice!

This is my not very happy face, can you tell?

I am silenced.

I've tried jumping on aprecious' head and licking her to death but it's not working! I even threw myself off a crag yesterday and she nearly had to call for mountain rescue to get me off! It was a protest! You've heard of suffragettes demanding a vote? Well I was doing some blippergette stuff demanding a voice. I'm going to make placards next! 'I demand a voice!' 'Hear my woof!' 'Let me speak'

Some people, naming no names (aprecious) are mean and cruel.

I am silenced!

If only I could type I could do my own blip!

aprecious says typing is just practice 'asdf ;lkj' or something and then 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' and I'll soon get up to speed. Is that helpful?

My paws are too fat for the keys.

I think I should put them on a diet then I wouldn't need her to type for me!

I wonder if that would work?

May be audio typing?

I really want to just say thank you for your concern. We are both fine although Maud did give me the fright of my life yesterday on the crag. I could hear her but not see her and Owen, my nephew, really helped me get her back. We don't normally walk in the dark so lesson learned.

Maud has come on so much - she is such a lovely, funny dog with genuine comic timing and over this, very nearly the first year of her life, she has asserted the right to fill the dog space hole left when Mabel, our old dog, died by being absolutely nothing like her!

Dogs are remarkable creatures. They are so capable of renewal and forgiveness. Maud has won a place in many hearts and I cannot now imagine life without her.

Thank you for your time. I am as chuffed as mint balls the way you've taken to Maud, but I don't feel I can - in good faith - post and not participate in the community, so this is goodbye I think. At least for now.

You've been truly ace.

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