Birthday Dog

Molly the dog is 8 today.

Poppy sent me a text to remind me and then said that she'd already been out and bought some dog treats. What a little star.

So at 56 Molly is now the oldest member of our little family. She really is a great dog, I'd go as far as to say probably the best dog ever. The only thing she doesn't like is having her photo taken, oh and not being allowed to take part in ball games (see yesterdays blip).

I've had a productive day today which included a visit to Millers Music. A client who are giving us some sponsorship for Hendstock. They have a really nice Yamaha guitar in there, they tried really hard to get me to buy it, but no! I Resisted! Ha

Out this evening rehearsing with the Accelerants. We have a proper gig next week and then Hendstock, I think that about 35% of the Hendstock set will be new to anyone who was not at the Portland in Jan, should be fun. Are any of you coming?

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