Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

Hand painted cup

I had a free afternoon today so after a brief walk, I decided I would make a proper job of the topic for Tiny Tuesday this week. It was something new to me, so I read the link provided then googled a whole lot more and even watched some videos. When finished I knew absolutely nothing  more about faked miniaturisation. In fact I was thinking on the lines of 'why would you bother?'

I started again with just one tutorial and followed it step by step. I had this image of the cup when finished, but it seemed to me at that stage that the chap was taking photos of his miniatures rather than faking miniatures.

So I am still none the wiser. But everyone now can get to see my mother's delicate little hand painted cup. My Dad had two spinster Aunties in England who stayed home and cared for their elderly parents in the early 1900s.  After the parents died, they had a nice little job, hand painting china. This is the cup and saucer  they painted for Mum as a wedding present and sent to a country on the other side of the world, to  a woman they would never meet. Immigration can be so tough on those left behind.

I have decided this is my fake, fake miniaturisation and offer it to TT.

I am sorry Evolybab - I just couldnt get my head around it and I dont think it was helped by the video I decided to follow, being on the wrong track too. I guess I just don't know enough yet. Thank you very much for hosting TinyTuesday.

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