Faking It

for Tiny Tuesday with thanks to Evolybabe :)

Billy went to the Vet this morning and had his jabs.  Seems he may have arthritis poor boy, he's getting a bit slower and stiffer... waiting for tests to come back.

Then I went to the Dr and she was very sympathetic, but yes, I need some blood tests to confirm my situation and possibly a 'skeletal' scan later.  Well now at least I know!

As always, Billy runs off after getting back from the vets!  Today was no exception, but I managed to catch him later and tried out this 'faking it' for Tiny Tuesday....not sure if it works or not?

Another day, more job applications.  Tomorrow I'm going to register with yet another agency (in Abingdon) and possibly I will have a phone interview for another job :)

Happy Tuesday folks :)

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