Simply Me

By Suze981

What a day...

I've had a very busy day today. You'll be pleased to know that my new phone was delivered this morning. Woohoo. It's been a little traumatic transferring over to it and I'm not done yet. It is beautiful though, my iPhone 4 looks positively cumbersome in comparison!

I met Claire and Debbie at the Anatomy Museum, part of Edinburgh university. This weekend is part of a Doors Open Day in Edinburgh where you get to access lots of places for free. We took a liking to these little guys in the museum. I really like the shot of the living people in the background compared to the little guys in the glass case.

We then dropped by Surgeons Hall and the Lothian Bus depot. All very interesting! We even got a ride in a vintage bus.

We had dinner and a couple if drinks in The Brass Monkey and then home in time for Dr Who. All in all, a pretty good day. I'm hoping to get to the Royal Observatory tomorrow!

(Ps today is my 300th consecutive day of blipping - just 65 to go to a full year)

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