Light & sight

By CameronDP

Happy blipversary to me

This is my 100th blip, with (so far at least) no breaks and no backdating. When I started on June 15th, I wondered whether I'd even make it through the first week. Having been on Facebook since 2007, on Twitter since 2009, and on both Google+ and Pinterest since earlier this year, I really doubted whether I had room in my life for yet another social network. Then the comments started to trickle in and I thought, "It's going okay, I might as well see if I can make through a whole month...."
And here I still am, 100 days in. I suppose I'm now going to have to keep on going, perhaps in a slightly obsessive way, until I have completed a whole year. Then I can order one of these! That'll be my reward. But sheesh, it's still 22 days before I even get one third of the way through! Will I make it?? I suppose only time will tell. All I can say is that I'll give it me best.
More than once over the past three months I have struggled for both time and inspiration but the faithful few who return most days to comment on my efforts have certainly played a very large part in keeping me going. Mac OS X Mail tells me that I have now had 609 comments on my entries. That's pretty amazing and I have appreciated every one of them.
Not everything has been rosy. Every so often the Blipfoto iFern app wigs out and refuses to publish new entries for no apparent reason. Or crashes. Or both. And the Blipfoto website could frankly do with some work. Why does it refuse upload new entries in Safari, the default Mac browser? Why has it only recognised the location data embedded in almost all my photos on one out of 99 occasions? Why does the location box perpetually default to the location of my second ever entry (York), meaning I have to alter it by hand every time?
But I suppose I shouldn't complain. It's been an interesting journey and it's been grand to make some new virtual friends. The last few months been an eventful time in my life and I'm actually quite glad I have a record of them, even if it's only this rather oblique visual one!
How did I get going originally? I blame Jezzebela :D I started following her on Twitter some time towards the end of last year, after (if I remember rightly) I saw her grumbling on there one day about people who don't respond to tweets, a recurring irritation for the tweeters amongst us. And so, when she took to blipping a few months later, I kept seeing her 'new journal entry' tweets in my timeline. One day I thought, 'why don't I have a go'? So I did. The following day, appropriately enough, Jezzebela became my first ever subscriber and left me my first ever comment.
100 blips down, 265 to go... Thank you to everyone who has commented, subscribed and favourited so far!

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