Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Taking the reins

A great day - swimming this morning and fairly quiet and then off to The Mall to sort out various things.  I had booked onto a training session in Apple for Photos and there have been many updates so it was timely.  I was actually the only one (with Mr T) so we had an hour of 1:1 time and found the answers to lots of questions which was great.  Then into John Lewis to find out what is happening with our blinds (it's been a right saga over the last three months), and then into Lakeland to have a look at their new mini multi cooker.  Very impressed and an ideal size for making Mr T's casseroles.  And then steak and chips at the M&S Deli Bar for my birthday tea.  Oh, and I was "allowed" to have the lobster as a birthday present to join my dashboard menagerie!  He is so soft and there was no way he was being left behind.  He was a bit amazed to see so many Christmas decorations already though!

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