A Sunny Visit

Shadows on the ground and wall to wall sunshine welcomed Poppy to Edinburgh today.
We strolled back from the station to the Dower House for lunch without drawing breath on the chatting front, we ate, we drank wine, and then we sat outside in the sun with our tea.

Later we did a spot of red trouser shopping but finished up with an orange mini skirt and tights to go.  
You wouldn't need to be too much of a sleuth to deduce that the latter items were not for this lady of a certain age, and no I'm not jealous that Poppy has the figure and the lack of years to wear a skirt like a pelmet and look amazing...... Well not very jealous......

The day flew by on the wings of laughter and shared confidences, and before I knew it, I was pushing her through the station barrier to catch the train back to Fife.

Thank you Poppy for being such wonderful company.

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