Blips by g

By BlipsByG

Soup-er Thursday's (Part 2)

Founder, CEO and head chef...

Today was the second installment of Soup-er Thursday... We've decided that every thursday we are going to take it in turns to make a pot of soup and share it with the rest of the team at Blip Central.

This week was Joe's turn.

Now, there are two things in life that make me boak. The first is sweetcorn, the second is ... actually, there's only one thing. Sweetcorn. (Although dead birds do make me shudder. Unless they are tasty, cooked dead birds. Like chicken, or turkey, or guineafowl or... I digress. Sorry)

Well, guess what Joe dished up? That's right Sweetcorn soup. Or Sweetcorn chowder, to be precise. Devils Broth, in my eyes.

But I was brave and tried it (it was the boss afterall). And I surprised myself. And even had seconds. Complete with a couple of homemade cheese AND MUSTARD scones.

It's kind of getting competitive now.

And I can also add the very last smiley face to the list of foods I do and don't like. I am now officially a grown up.

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