The One With the Autistic Tendencies
This is a traffic jam. It's not just any old traffic jam, mind you. There are 63 cars in the traffic jam, in order of speed; going from fastest to slowest. Other factors taken into consideration are weight, acceleration, brakes, cornering.
Alfie has an amazing brain for retaining factual information, particularly figures. When he was two, he could count to to over 100 and also in 2's to 100. When he was 3 he knew every road sign in the Highway Code off by heart. When he was 4 he could read fluently and learned every fact on every card in a pack of 'Top Gear' Top Trumps. No one ever had a chance of winning against him. We always knew he was a bit special but, even as a teacher myself, I was shocked when his Playgroup leader suggested that everything might not be 'quite right' and she wanted to have him assessed. It was no surprise to her when he was diagnosed as being on the Autistic Spectrum. We attended the meetings and courses. Frequent visits to the Child Development Centre at Addenbrookes hospital and took him for music therapy to develop his excellent musical ear. Playgroup were brilliant, as were the Infant school who worked around his 'problem areas' and anxieties while developing his strengths. At 7 he was happy, bright and sociable.
Then he moved up to the Junior School. His anxieties re-appeared, friendships broke down. He would come home complaining of being teased, picked on, left out. He had his lunch pushed onto the floor. He spent a whole Christmas holiday beside himself with worry about an incident which had happened in December. He eventually told me about it in February. Last week we went in again about the bullying. 'He does find compromise difficult because of the autism' said his dad. His teacher rang us 3 days later to say she didn't know he was autistic. There is no mention of it in his records and his previous teacher hasn't mentioned it. His teacher obviously isn't to blame, but who is? I wish I could throw off this overwhelming feeling that it is me.
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