Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Frosty Wet Morning

I think this is the first wet, frosty morning I have seen this autumn. Its very bright and sunny, but oooh sooo cold out there! However, I braved it for long enough to take some 30 shots of my remaining begonias (I think that's what they are???) and select the best for my blip of the day :) Still in the Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Hope you like it!

I had an early night last night and apart from waking up just once, didn't open an eye until almost 7am (which is late for me) :) After all the stresses and strains of the last few weeks, with work and interviews, and services to prepare for etc....I am really looking forward to my 2 weeks of holidays (at home) now :)

But there are still lists of things to do (I think there always will be!).

Today's list is very short:

Finish writing a prayer for tonight's service which I am leading
Chill this afternoon +I might just curl up with a good book, because I haven't done much serious relaxing reading for quite a while :)

In other news, Billy definately doesn't like it being cold out there! Last night he came in and settled down quite early for a change :) This morning he's been out, come in for breakfast, looked out the door...then come upstairs and is currently lying asleep on the bed! What a change for him :)

Long may it continue, because I am quite worried about leaving him out in the cold, when dark nights come early and the quite awful halloween and fireworks season starts!!!

Have a great day blippers :)

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