
I was really surprised to see so much ice still on the lake at the Barbican this morning.  All the snow in London has been gone for a couple of days, so I guess the ice here must just have been really thick - or perhaps the Barbican really does just have its own micro-climate.

Lovely sunny day for the most part.  I skipped pilates at lunch again - starting to wonder if I'll ever feel better enough to do it again.  I know I will, it's just been so long already.  In other news, it was my 17 year anniversary at work today.  I bought a few chocolatey treats for everyone to celebrate/commiserate/whatever ;)

Phoned my friend Katherine on the way home this evening - she's still struggling to recover from a bad bout of the flu at Christmas, poor love.  It really feels like every conversation I have with anyone is medical-related at the moment!  Is this what happens when you enter your forties?

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