BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

What a difference a day makes ....

..... or twelve days to be precise.

BackBlip 12/12 - 2005

I set off from here in glorious warm sunshine and return home in the pouring rain - it has rained all the way from Harwich (110 mls/165 kms) and it's cold!!!!!

Somewhere the rain has breached my waterproofs and I am a little wet around the middle ..... and my hands are cold as my gloves are soaked through as well (leather ones - silly me!)

As you can see, Baseball Bear is well protected in the pillion position!!!!!!

It's been a fabulous trip and it was wonderful to see Germany again (haven't been back since I returned to live in England in 1992) ...... the bike is filthy but it will have to wait - I want a nice cup of tea!!!!!!

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