Five things

By fivethings


1. Another day that feels a bit like Christmas. Up early, curlers in, make up done and most importantly, the dress is on.

2. I really couldn't be happier or more proud of this dress. It's beautiful. I also really could not be worse at doing hair. Why I chose to forget that I don't know. After a slightly stressful hair do and late cab situation, I take my seat at Alana and Vince's wedding.

3. This, I think is the nicest wedding ceremony I've ever been to. Maybe I say that every time, I don't know, but there was something so warm and personal and joyous about this. I loved it.

4. Alana looks amazing, everyone in fact looks great as does the venue and the park and all the guests. We scrub up well.

5. Two people, their daughter and all their family and friends. In love, sharing that love and starting a new bit to their journey. What a lovely thing indeed.

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