
Well, it was a first for me today. I was about half way through my last class of the day when my vision went really strange. It was kind of like the residual image you get when you stare at a bright light only it had a pattern to it and it was moving a bit. It started in the middle of my vision and moved out to the side over a spell. My class were due a break anyway so I went to find somewhere quiet to sit. A friend suggested that that was how migraines came on for them and gave me some paracetamol to take just in case as he reckoned if it was a migraine I was better getting the pain killers in me before it started properly.

I wasn't convinced as I've never in my life had migraines but I went and sat in the radio studio as no one was using it. The vision thing cleared up after about twenty minutes or so but the headache started coming on at that point.

When I finished up I grabbed some migraine relief pills from Morrissons then went straight to bed when I got home.

Not nice at all.

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