Mist Tree

It was nice to get an extra hour in bed when the clocks went back last weekend but it did mean that to catch to the sunrise you have to be up an hour earlier!

So 6.30am on a Sunday Morning (yes I know) I was up and heading to the moor in time for the 7.15am sunrise. The forecast was for mist so I was hoping for plenty of mist but little or no cloud, to get the sun rising over the mist and hopefully colouring the landscape in front of me.

But just like last Saturday when I went for the same thing, a cloud bank obscured the sun totally and soon afterwards the mist rolled in thick like fog, threatening to obscure everything. But I was having a great time anyway so I wandered round for ages trying to get some misty frosty autumnal essence onto the memory card!

I love these crisp mornings. It's a tough call when the alarm clock goes off and unlike weekdays when you don't have an option of staying cosy, the line is fine between staying put and getting out into the cold.

I always reward myself with good strong coffee and a couple of bacon and cheese baps when I get in though. Having that to look forward to is almost as much incentive as the potential for serendipity when out and about as your part of the world is waking up (or sleeping in...)

Thank you so much for the feedback for Firework Duck :o) I deliberately didn't put the location on the blip as I don't know if they're protected or not.

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