Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Poppy Collection

Little boys turn to collect for the Poppy Appeal today. Town was fairly saturated with cadets collecting so we headed for the market area. He did really lasting 40mins, which was a long time as most people had their poppies so people putting money in his tin were few and far between.

After lunch W, C and I headed to Stevenage to catch up with a couple of Uni friends and their two boys at a cross country race. Luckily the weather stayed dry and the four kids ran around getting muddy but having fun, mostly. I watch both T and A run their respective race with a slight feeling of envy. T still runs for the last club I was a member of and I miss that feeling of belonging.

Jim seems to be improving. Out of his 48hr isolation tomorrow, but as yet we still have to agree plans for the day. I'm still feeling generally tired and fighting something as my huge coldsore shows. It better have gone by Saturday as I don't want to be at a wedding feeling like this.

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