A rural life for me

By Rhubarrb

Sticking to the theme....

Well this was not quite what I had in mind but my stupid tonsils got in the way..... the things I needed for my planned 300th were at work but since I am still stuck at home (recovering now thank goodness) I had to rethink my blip.

After my 100th blip and my 200th blip I have stuck to the theme..... I guess I am a teacher through and through!!

Finally on the mend after my tonsilitis episode. Knackered but feeling so much better. Back to work tomorrow thank goodness - I have cabin fever and am bored with day time tv!

Anyhoo..... another blip milestone has sneaked up. The next one is the big first birthday - woo hoo!!!! Thanks to all that take the time to comment on my entries and have subscribed to me over the last 300 days. Sorry my commenting has been a bit lax lately..... I must do better!

Have a good day one and all.

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