Life through the lens...

By ValC

Cosy and warm

New wood burner stove now up and running!
We love it! Has a nice even heat, and is warming upstairs too. (Because the stairs go up from our living room)


I am feeling very chuffed, as I have mended my camera!!!!!!! Yes moi!!
With thanks to Google, Yahoo, Youtube, and most of all an American gentleman who put the video on Youtube and goes my the name "Camera R "!

I was so frustrated with the shops, that I typed in "systems error (focus) panasonic lumix" on Google.

That came up with a list of web sites.
One was "
14 Nov. 2011 someone asked the same question as I did.
so I clicked on the yahoo web site (as above)

That came up with some answers, and one was a video on youtube

I clicked on this and a video came up.
Showing in stages what to do if you had a "focus" fault.

1. was change the battery..... which I had done

2. Camera Re Set. So I went into the menu, and checked the date,language etc.
as directed on the video.
Turned the camera on and YIPEEEEEEEE it worked!

I have used it several times and everything is working again. The focus is OK and the lens goes in and out, and shuts down. Fantastic!

It was so simple, why didn't any of the shops I took it to do this check, before telling me they would have to send it back to Panasonic, and it would cost between £80 and £150 ?
None of them actually looked at it properly.

I am not technical wizard, so if I can do it surely they could too!! At least do some basic checks.
I don't think I will ever trust a camera shop again!

Off now to bake some things for supper as we have friends coming over who are very keen to see the new wood burner stove!

Have a great weekend everybody!

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