
By rower2012

Jacaranda time in Adelaide

At this moment being late spring, the suburban streets of Adelaide are awash with the magnificent purple-blue blooms of jacarandas (Jacaranda mimosifolia). As well as being superb street trees, jacarandas look stunning on their own as a specimen tree in an open lawn, where their fallen flowers form a colourful carpet of blue. But not in a small garden!

Many people think that jacarandas are Australian natives, but they're not. They are in fact native to Brazil, where they are deciduous, due to the wet and dry seasons.

They are beautiful trees that can reach a height of around 10-15m. Even better for the average gardener, they do not need pruning. The normal shape for a jacaranda is that of an elegant umbrella.

For this blip today I stood under the tree in front of a private school on Unley Road on our way home to Belair. It looked to be a stunning location and so I pointed the camera upwards. I wanted a mix of blue sky, some green leaves and mostly the brilliant blue of the jacaranda. This was the result which looks even better in LARGE.

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